Albatroz Patch 12 Steam is live

Albatroz Patch 12 Steam is live
New Steam patch 11 live now to enhance your backpackign experience!

Hey, everyone!

We’re happy to let you know that Albatroz Patch V12 has landed on Steam! This update brings fresh improvements and critical fixes to ensure your adventures are as enjoyable as possible.

As always, we appreciate your support. Don’t forget to check out the full patch notes below for all the details, and keep an eye out for more updates coming soon!

Performance Improvements:

  • Improved performance in salt desert and in the mountains using HLODs on the rocks: This is a significant optimization. HLODs (Hierarchical Level of Detail) reduce the number of polygons rendered for distant objects, improving frame rates, especially in graphically demanding environments like deserts and mountains.

Level/Scene Fixes:

  • New path on scene 15 so the player has more options to complete the level.
  • Fixed corrupted collision on scene 14, going down the hole: This addresses a gameplay-blocking bug where players might get stuck or fall through the world due to incorrect collision.
  • Fixed a death dialogue that was wrong in scene 14: Corrects an error in the game's dialogue related to player death in this specific scene.
  • Fixed the death trigger in scene 15 to kill the player if he falls from the world: Prevents players from exploiting falling out of the map and ensures a proper game over.
  • Fixed gaps on scene 15, on the nameless realm where the player could fall in the world: Patches holes in the game world geometry, preventing unintended falls and softlocks.
  • Added a new path on scene 15 so the player has more options to complete the level: Improves level design by offering alternative routes, enhancing replayability and player choice.
  • Fixed some broken shaders in scene 15: Corrects visual glitches related to how materials are rendered in this scene.


  • Fixed some localization issues: Addresses errors in translated text, improving the experience for players using different languages.

UI/Save/Load Fixes:

  • Fixed missing picture issue on the loading/saving game page, when the game was not able to find the region the player is: Corrects a visual bug on the save/load screen when the game couldn't determine the player's location.
  • Fixed a missing name on the loading and saving game page when the game was not able to find where the player is: Addresses a similar issue to the above, but related to missing text instead of a picture.
  • Fixed an issue that the load and save page would return invalid, if just Isla was in the party: Fixes a specific bug that caused save/load issues when the player's party consisted only of the character "Isla."

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