Hello there, horror fans! We're rolling out the latest update for DESOLATIUM—Patch #1.02. This patch comes with several fixes to previously determined bugs and issues across Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S versions. We hope these changes will enhance your experience in DESOLATIUM.Check out the patch notes below:
Patch notes:
- Characters texture size has been significantly reduced and useless textures have been eliminated. The game now weights way less.
- Added a post-credits cinematic after credits finish rolling.
- Resolved several localization issues.
- Last autosave is done in the scene previous to the last one (chapter 14 scene 09).
Bug fixes:
Main menu" and "in-game menu":
- The pointer is not displayed when using the touch screen.
- The voice language can be set correctly and be different from the subtitle language.
- Control option shows which button corresponds to "Back" input.
- Sound menu texts don't overlap in Polish and Russian (or any language).
- Selecting "Continue" option after finishing the game doesn't couse a softlock.
- 2 inputs are not required to start controlling the menu.
- Menu can be closed directly with the "+" button and moved back one step with the "B" button.
- Pressing the "+" button does not cause the menu to open and close immediately.
- Right stick cannot be used to control the camera.
- Going to the first scene during chapter "Big trouble in little Innsmouth" (chapter 06) doesn't cause the opening cinematic with the poster.
- Deleted an interaction with a removed element during chapter "Blood and rock nights" (chapter 11 scene 03)
- A red dot doesn't appear when transitioning between scenes.
- Pressing the "X" button will not cause the inventory to open and close immediately.
- It is not possible to close the inventory during the end of some chapters using the touch screen.
- The game doesn't allow you to open the inventory before main menu opens.
- Notes and objects texts don't cause overlapping.
- when opening a dialogue, character images and question text are loaded correctly.