Brand-new Dollhouse Behind The Broken Mirror Sessions episode
March 21, 2025
Delivers a gripping psychological horror experience, seamlessly blending exploration, puzzle-solving, stealth, and resource management
We're excited to share that THE Garden Witch Life Patch 1.0.19 is now available Epic Games Store, bringing a host of new features and enhancements. This update adjusts the selling prices for MagiBuy and the Community Box and includes fixes for map points and whisk issues. In addition to these fixes, we want to highlight two major changes from this release.
Once again, thank you for your ongoing support as our team work to enhance your experience in Garden Witch Life. More updates will be coming your way soon, so please stay tuned!
Check out the full patch notes below:
๐ฑ Removed / Disabled fatigue
๐ฑ Added more nettles to garden map (swamp entry and ledge near fairy forest entry)
๐ฑ Library is now unlocked from the start
๐ฑ Currently held item now shows info in HUD where input help is
๐ฑ Onions now grow in Summer and Autumn too and seeds can be bought during this time too.
๐ฑ Grater no longer needs key press to grate
๐ฑ Increased MagiBuy Price Modifier 25% -> 50%
๐ฑ Increased Community Box Price Modifier 100% - 200% -> 150% -> 300%
๐ฑ Sleep now restores 5 health
๐ฑ Bramles now only do 1 damage
๐ฑ Animal houses for Snail, Frog and Dog now unlock at earlier friendship levels with Lily
๐ฑ Added tooltips to Whisk, Grater and Frying Pan mini games
๐ฑ Compost now works longer and improves soil quality more
๐ฑ Giving a gift that is hated now only reduces by -1 instead of -10
๐ฑ New plant radius colors
๐ฑ Moved tutorial popup closer to center
๐ฑ Loading screen now fades smoothly in and out
๐ฑ Save games now show in-game date once they have been re-saved
๐ฑ Reduced sell price of Rose Perfume
๐ฑ Mint and Lavender leaves are now respawn harvests
๐ฑ Tomato, Apple, Carrot, Orange, Strawberry and Cucumber now restore 1 health.
๐ฑ Decreased tool prices at Tin and Aurel
๐ฑ Chickens now eats Oats
๐ฑ Made chicken food recipe produce more (5 -> 10)
๐ฑ Aurel now loves all yarn balls
๐ฑ Added more food options for animals
๐ฑ Updated companion plant and stamina tutorials
๐ฑ Since Fatigue is gone the achievement "Enforced Nap" now gets unlocked by health becoming 0
๐ Fixed empty chests. Loot chests will now re-spawn once if looted before to fix the error. If you already opened them you will have the chance to open them again once.
๐ Fixed map points not being navigable on Switch
๐ Fixed character passing out while already starting to sleep which lead to losing progress
๐ Fixed item tooltips not showing up when using controller.
๐ Fixed Manoir not opening
๐ Fixed Summerfest ending when going into the houses in town
๐ Fixed Mountain Battery quest soft locking when doing steps before being told to do them
๐ Fixed camera staying at original water surface height when water level is lowering, making navigating the mine almost impossible
๐ Fixed Whisk not working on Switch / Steam Deck
๐ Fixed stack splitting not working on secondary monitors
๐ Fixed stack splitting UI going out of screen on 4K monitors
๐ Fixed the possibility to have two pass outs on top of each other leading to a progress reset
๐ Fixed whisk not being shown as crafting station in recipe menu
๐ Fixed mail text not being scrollable with controller
๐ Fixed overriding save game garbling save name
๐ Fixed cooking process consuming ingredients when aborted
๐ Fixed seed info staying up when scrolling over tool
๐ Fixed apiary not always producing honey (does every day now, except winter)
๐ Fixed being able to destroy bench while sitting on it
๐ Fixed floor disappearing near mine entrance
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